腾讯择校展 | 斯特灵大学校长专访
  • 2020-07-06 07:44:14
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VIP嘉宾专访地点:北京富力万丽酒店 · VIP嘉宾专访间

VIP嘉宾:Gerry McCormac 教授,斯特灵大学校长


Welcome. Could you please first introduce yourself and the university you represent?

Professor Gerry McCormac:大家好,我是斯特灵大学校长Gerry McCormac教授。我担任斯特灵大学校长十年来,见证了国际学生尤其是来自中国的学生数量的显著增长,我还参与了校园投资项目兴建。我们已经建造了新的学生公寓,一个新的体育中心。校园有一个我们称之为称为“Atrium”的中心区域,学生可以在那里聚在一起,一起工作,一起吃饭和一起学习。

Hi, I'm professor Gerry McCormac, vice-chancellor at the University of Stirling in Scotland. Since I have been vice-chancellor at the university for ten years, and during that time, I've overseen significant growth in international students, coming mainly from China.  I've also been involved in investing in the campus. We have built new student accommodation. We have built a new sports center.  The campus has a central area that we call the Atrium, where students gathered together, work together, eat together, and can study together.


Could you please tell me about your most significant achievement during your education career?

Professor Gerry McCormac:我担任斯特林大学校长的十年间,我一直负责监管大学的发展,国际学生活动和提升国际影响力。许多中国学生来到斯特灵大学,在这里,他们不仅体验到西欧和英国的文化,而且反过来,来自苏格兰和英国其他地区的学生也向来自中国的学生学习中国文化。因此,我看到来自中国的学生以及他们所接受的教育,毕业后所获得的工作机会,所持续追求的事业感到非常高兴和激动。

In the ten years since I've been vice-chancellor of the university of Stirling, I’ve overseen the growth and international student activity and international reach of the university. Many Chinese students come to the university of Stirling. And not only do they experience the culture of western Europe and the UK, but in turn, students from Scotland and the UK learn about Chinese culture from the students who come from China. So we are absolutely delighted and thrilled with the students that come,the education that they get,the job opportunities and careers that they go on to have, after their time when they are students of the University of Stirling.

主持人:请您给我们分享几个关键词来描述您眼中的 2019 国际教育。

What keywords would you choose to describe international education in 2019?

Professor Gerry McCormac:关于斯特灵大学的学生,我的关键词是创造性和打破常规的思维能力。在瞬息万变的世界里,这两点非常重要。我们不知道我们的技术会发展成什么样,我们不知道未来的工作是什么样,但我们需要通过教育系统为明天的世界做好准备。例如,在斯特灵大学,我们开设了人工智能硕士学位课程,让学生为我们今天尚不存在的职业机会做好准备。我对父母的建议是确保他们为子女选择的大学适合学生本身,学校的环境也是学生想要的。他们是想去喧嚣的大城市?还是想要一个可以认真学习的安静小城?学生的个性如何?如何选择与他们相匹配的大学?最重要的是,要确保学生就读的大学是安全的幸福的,且生活充实的,并且能够在毕业后拥有丰富的就业机会。

The keywords that I would have for students are creativity and thinking outside of the box. It's very important in a fast-changing world where we just don't know what our technology will go. We don't know what the jobs of the future will be. That we prepare through the education system people for the world of tomorrow. So, for example, at the University of Stirling, we're doing a master's degree in artificial intelligence. But prepare students for career opportunities that we don't even know exist today. And, my advice to parents, is to ensure that the University that they choose for their children to come to is one that is a good match to the student, to the type of environment that they want. Do they want a big city noisy experience? Do they want a nice quiet location in which they can study? What is the personality of the individual? And how does that match to the University that they will choose? And above all else, make sure that the University that the students attend is safe, and they're happy and lead fulfilling lives and then have a great job opportunity and career opportunity when they finish.




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