腾讯择校展 | 赫瑞-瓦特大学招生处主任专访
  • 2020-07-06 07:44:14
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VIP嘉宾专访地点:北京富力万丽酒店 · VIP嘉宾专访间

VIP嘉宾:Mike Bates,赫瑞-瓦特大学招生处主任

主持人:Welcome. Could you please first introduce yourself and the university you represent?


Mike Bates: My name is Mike Bates. I'm the director of student recruitment at Heriot-Watt University. And Heriot-Watt University is based in Edinburgh and the capital city of Scotland in the UK. And Heriot-Watt is also a quite unusual university. We have 20,000 students overall are studying around the world, but only ten thousand are based in the UK. So we have campuses and in Dubi, in Malaysia, and many international students are studying through online learning as well. So, a rather unusual university in terms of the profile, student numbers, a great place to study. Also, I would say, and at Heriot-Watt, we're about to celebrate the two hundredth anniversary.

我叫Mike Bates。我是赫瑞-瓦特大学的招生处主任。赫瑞-瓦特大学位于英国的苏格兰首府爱丁堡。赫瑞-瓦特(Heriot-Watt)也是一所与众不同的大学。我们共有20,000名学生在世界各地学习,其中有一万名左右的学生在英国学习。我们在马来西亚和迪拜都有校区,也有许多国际学生在线学习我们的课程。因此,就学校情况,学生人数来讲,赫瑞-瓦特都是一所与众不同的大学,是一个适合学习的地方。另外,我想说的是,在赫瑞-瓦特大学,我们很快会庆祝建校200周年。

The university was established to provide professional education to the local workforce. And that was two hundred years ago. But the spirit of that and the tradition is still very much the same. We provide practical, professional education that equips our students and graduates for a great career.


主持人:What keywords would you choose to describe international education in 2019?

请您给我们分享几个关键词来描述您眼中的 2019 国际教育?

Mike Bates: In terms of keywords, I would certainly see the environment is very dynamic and fast-changing, and it's extremely exciting a sector to be in just now. I think looking at corporations has taken place internationally now as well between the UK and China. We now see more and more British students coming here to China to study. We will look at some of the joint research projects that are going on. So, for example, we have a very interesting project going on just now in robotics between one of our leading academic professors and the Chinese academy of sciences.

就关键词而言,我注意到当前的环境非常有活力且瞬息万变,身处这一行业也令人十分振奋。我们还看到在英国和中国之间展开的国际合作,越来越多的英国学生来中国学习。 我们也注意到一些正在进行中的联合科研项目。比如,我们现在就有一个由赫瑞-瓦特大学的顶尖学者与中国科学院之间合作的机器人科研项目。

And we also have three joint education program plans with prestigious universities here in China. There's great research that has been done together. Many more of our students are studying here in China. And British students or other international students want to come to China as part of their studies. We have about 25 Chinese university partners. We've got some really great linkages going on here. We see international cooperation, the dynamism of the international education sector just now are the keywords I would focus on.

我们和几所中国著名大学合作开展了三个中外合作办学项目,也有一些深入的研究项目。 在中国学习的学生也更多了。也有英国学生或其他国际学生希望将到中国学习作为他们课程的一部分。我们有大约25所中国大学合作伙伴,我们保持着非常好的联系。因此国际合作,国际教育领域的活力是我重点关注的关键词。

主持人:Could you please tell me about your most significant achievement during your education career?


Mike Bates: In terms of achievements, I think perhaps looking at how Heriot-Watt University has developed our links in China. We opened our country office in 2008. It was open the same week as the Beijing Olympics. So it is an easy one to remember. And we had about one hundred Chinese students studying at that time. We now have over a thousand Chinese students studying at the university on our degree programmes. And also, there are some students studying here in China. They are studying here in the UK. They are studying in our Dubi, Malaysia campuses as we've seen massive growth in the number of students from China and studying with us. And that's been working with 25 university partners here in China as well. So that's been a fantastic achievement, I think. 


主持人:What are the most attractive advantages of overseas higher education institutes in British universities for Chinese students? 


Mike Bates:  In terms of the attractiveness of the UK, I would certainly point to the quality of the British higher education system. I think that is well-known around the world. I think it's 14% of highly regarded researches come from UK universities. Just looking now at the cost of studying in the UK because of currency exchange, it's comparatively cheap to study in the UK, just now compared to other international markets, which is fantastic. I would also point to the cultural diversity of the UK as well. There's so much to see and do within quite a small country. And, for example, in my own home city of Edinburgh, we have the Edinburgh festival every year in August. That's the largest arts festival that has happened in the world. And the population of the city more than doubles at that time. It's a fantastic opportunity for international students to enjoy Edinburgh's vibrant cultural atmosphere. There are just some of the aspects that I would see mixed the UK, Edinburgh, and Heriot-Watt University is a fantastic place to study. 





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